Friday, August 26, 2011

August 26, 2011

The last field to be sprigged with bermudagrass was sprigged today! Its been nice and hot the last few days, let's hope it stays that way until we get the fields all grown in!

Sprigging soccer field 9

Light pole going up in baseball Quad A

Backside of BB field 3 looking Southeast...

BB field 3

BB Quad B

Lots of poles, big and small...

Looking Northeast from "Mt. Etown"

Same shot, zoomed in. Park HQ/Maintenance buildings, championship fields and soccer in far background...

HQ building progress

Material storage building w/roof

Softball Quad C

Monday, August 22, 2011

Its been about a week and a half since we sprigged the first two soccer fields with bermudagrass and they are really starting to take off! We've backed off the water on these two fields and plan to fertilize them tomorrow to push them to grow in. We sprigged 2 more fields today for total of 7 sprigged, leaving 2 big fields left to do this week.

Field 2

Field 1

Close up

Extreme close up...

We got a runner!

Lots of new growth!

A few pics from last Friday...

HQ / Maintenance complex

Soccer fields

Drainage installation on Soccer field 7

Thursday, August 18, 2011


As our park take shape another piece of the big pie began going in today. Field light poles! The crew started raising poles this morning in soccer. Its really starting to look like a sports park now, its very exciting!

Testing the fixtures before they put them 70 feet in the air, good idea...

Setting pole over base

Light poles up on Field 7!

Baseball Quad A

Asphalt multi-use trail construction

Sidewalk construction

Bridge A beams in place...

Park HQ roof construction

More soccer field sprigging...

Soccer field drainage is working!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sprigging Bermudagrass

We were able to get 2 soccer fields sprigged with bermudagrass this week. That only leaves us with 8 more to do! Yes it is late in the season to be sprigging but weather and schedule haven't exactly been on our side this year so we felt it was best to get in what we could now. We will push the grass to fill in as much as possible before the end of the warm season and re-evaluate the fields next spring. This week hasn't been as extreme with heat and humidity but I feel pretty confident we will return to normal before long. Here are some pics!

Testing irrigation heads before sprigging...

Closeup of sprigs - Tifway 419

The sprigging machine basically cuts open the soil, drops the sprigs, and crimps them into soil. A starter fertilizer was spread before sprigging began...

It is very important to get water on the sprigs as soon as possible. Sprigs are living plant material and must stay soaked for the first few weeks of establishment

A finished field...

I know, it looks like a soupy mess! Grow little sprigs, grow.

Some pics of some of the other progress this week....

HQ building framing

Installation of asphalt multi-use trail

View of baseball field progress from top of hill

Dugout block construction

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Terraced berm seating @ Championship synthetic fields

Baseball backstop and field progression

Main road bridge abutments...

HQ framing and maintenance roof trusses...

Soccer parking curbs

Framing in sidewalk...